Saturday, November 18, 2006

Finger Mustache Tattoo


beautiful dolphins scene

Nice love handles 



Pee Wee No.2


Palm beach hamburger


Crazy Clown


The Mighty Pickle


MJ with a kid


Weird Al Yankovic


You ate McDonaldz ?




Hulk Hogan


Content under Pressure


Harry Potter


Kevin from BSB


Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Anyone hungry ?  

a guy

This one looks like done by a child, or at most a realy bad tattooer 


She (He ?) should sue the tattooer. This kid looks more like a bulldog or a 50'yer old mobster

Celine Dion


Angel-Cats playing with a yarnball


Another SW "fan"


Duuuude ....


Star Wars



The purpose of this blog is to present all those horrible tattoos which people from various reasons (known only to them) get tattooed. I would rather call these "self-inflicted wounds" than tattoos, but it was their own choice (I hope).

So let's get started