Friday, October 30, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lady Luck

Nice reader submission from Erin, done by Tiffany at Planet Ink Studios in Ottawa,Ontario Canada.

Hoot Me With Your Best Shot

Class tattooist submission from Malia Reynolds, who works at Memorial Tattoo in Atlanta, GA.

Wuthering Hoots

A quick reader round-up... Nee sent in this ace owl above, done by Phil Blast of A New Dimension Tattoo in Lake Worth, FL. Owl was done at the Jacksonville (FL) Tattoo Convention in September 2009.

This barn owl comes from Quartny.

From 'lilpip'.

And finally, the above owl comes from Andrew.

I always seem to be behind in posting reader and tattooist submissions (I get so many now!). However, if yours hasn't been posted, it will be at some point, honest! I've had a few superb tattooist submissions in the past month, and these should all be appearing in the near future. Thanks for your patience!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's sad. Slava Ivankov was the last of the last.


Everyone knew him on Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, where I grew up. You could always find him there, usually at Primorsky restaurant which was owned by Boris Nayfeld. Monya Elson was never far either.

Monya Elson with moustaches


We used to bring stolen goods to them at the restaurant all the time in the early 90's. I must of been like 13-14 years old.. Boris would buy anything. Tthey were all so cheap with their money though.. They would pull out knots of 100's and argue over 5 bux. Slava too. I guess it was just in their nature.

Then one day, boom, they were all gone, just like that.

Then in 2004 or 05, I was finishing up a bid and was transferred to a pre-release jail, which had all kinds of people with all kinds of crimes and sentences, getting ready to go home. So one could run in to someone who just finished doing 25 years. Well, I ran into an Italian cat (Allie boy) who just came from the Feds after doing 10 in there, but he owed New York state 2 years so he still had to finish that. Anyway, we started talking, he asked if I was Russian , I said yes. Then he proceeded to tell me that he was just in the feds with a few Russians, serious guys and he was great pals with them and they were together for a few years. I asked their names and he said: one, who had kind of slanted eyes, he always used to call Ivan and the other big dude, they call Biba. My jaw dropped. I though Ivan? Who the fuck is Ivan, that don't sound like an Ivan. So I asked what was Ivan's real name but he couldn't remember it or pronounce it. Then he says Ivan wrote his name and number in his address book. He showed it to me and sure enough, it said: Vyacheslav Ivankov and a number and address in Moscow. I said, Do u know who u was with? I told him, but he already had an idea that these were serious people. I mean its the feds after all.
He used to tell me how whenever a Jewish or Israeli guy would come in, Ivankov would right away slide up to them in the yard and kinda take them under his wing and do a little friendly extortion, and they knew damn well they better cough it up.


Viacheslav Ivankov in 80th


ST-2. Tulun city (Irkutskaya oblast).Prison.

Temuri Gabiniya(Timur Vanskiy),
Viacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik),
Sergey Boytsov (Boets).

Last news surrounding Ivankov's funeral.

1. The hitman, who was a veteran of Afghanistan, was found by the mob and executed.

2. The day of the funeral, a car was found near by with 2 AK47s and 6 extra magazines.

3. People said their goodbyes to Ivankov 3 times. The first time was when the body was leaving the morgue. 4 ambulances left the hospital, 2 of which were followed by luxury sedans, one of the others went to the church where the "brothers" were already waiting.

There were only about 20 of them but they were all high-rank thieves and came to bid farewell from every corner of the world.

The second time was in the church at the cemetery where various politicians, actors and celebrities said their goodbyes.

The third time was the official ceremony which was held during the day.

