Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Flamin' Hoot

Michael Rose

Sweet Puddin'

This is a crossover post from another blog, Batman Tattoos, where this Gabe Tucker tattoo is also posted. I think Harley qualifies for pinup status too, no?

Monday, September 22, 2008

bad gamer tattoos!-World's Geekiest Tattoos

Some people love to play video games. Others love to play video games so much, they'll withstand getting jabbed by a needle over and over and over again until that game is a permanent part of them FOREVER!
Some examples of what the "World's Geekiest Tattoos" webpage has to offer:

tattoo designs

A Legend of Zelda tramp stamp…classy! Too bad the artist messed up and it should have looked more like this:
She got it right, but at the same time she still got it all so wrong. For all you Zelda fanboys thinking this is hot, I don’t need the angry emails.




Too many girls getting Zelda tattoos. Well, any tattoo is pretty bad, but the full back special should probably be spoken out against in schools.
tattoos chest.jpg

tattoos mario-tattoo.jpg

tattoos why.jpg
Gross. This is awful, but mostly because it’s not even resembling the shape of a real Pac-Man maze.
This page comes from:[images:]

Geek Tattoos

Sexy Geek Tattoossexy Geek Tattoos []
Geek Tattoos
Geek Tattoos ideas[]No idea where it came from but it’s put me in the inking mood again. It’s been two years since my last one, far too long
Geek Tattoos
free Geek Tattoos[]
Geek Tattoos blood apple
Geek Tattoos []
Geek Tattoos
Geek Tattoos

Cute feminin, sexy foot tattoo for girls

cute foot tattoo

cute, feminin, sexy foot tattoo

mermaid tattoos

mermaid tattoos

mermaid tattoos[] Mermaids are mythical creatures of great beauty who live in the sea
mermaid tattoos
mermaid tattoos ideas Mermaid tattoos were made popular by early sailors however this beautiful tattoo design has become a very popular modern tattoo for women also. Before you get a mermaid tattoo it can help to know a little bit about the history and symbolism behind them.
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mermaid tattoos []

Sunday, September 21, 2008

kanji tattoos

Kanji Girl Back TattooKanji Girl Back Tattoo
Kanji tattoos are basically ideographic characters. What this means is that each Kanji character represents a WHOLE object, idea, or meaning in a visually expressive way. Kanjis are a popular choice among those seeking Japanese style tattoo designs. With Kanji style characters, you can easily create and express nearly any meaning you want.

Skull with Japanese Kanji Tattoo Skull with Japanese Kanji Tattoo []
soul - Japanese kanji tattoo
soul - Japanese kanji tattoo
Common placement for kanji tattoos
kanji tattoos
Kanji Tattoos on the back
Kanji Tattoos []
Kanji Tattoo on Best Place -Kanji Tattoo on neck
Kanji Tattoo on Best Place

Tribal Heart Tattoo

Tribal Heart Tattoo