Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I noticed that there are many different meaning behind a triangle tattoo.
Does anyone know what the main meaning behind it is?

Abbey Lee

I've always wanted to do a post on her, but it's so difficult. There are so few photos of her tattoos out there, and even less information on them.

A tattoo on her right ankle. There's a big debate on tfs about what it actually is. Some people think it's the gemini sign, whilst others think otherwise.

A heart in a square behind her right ear.

She also has script on her right wrist.
More on her to come, need to do some more digging.

Sobering-up station

Pixie Geldof update.

I think she's caught the tattoo bug like her sister Peaches.

The newest addition is on her right forearm.
'What will survive of us is love', a quote taken from a poem.

She also has her mother's signature on her left wrist.
A ladybug on her right wrist.
A star on the back of her neck.
A outlined shape behind each ear.
A star on her leg.


Hi guys!

I wanna thank you all for the emails you've been sending in :) It's nice to know you guys enjoy the blog!

I also received this

I'm not sure what it says, but i love the placement :)
Thanks to Rachel W. for the picture!