Saturday, October 13, 2007

Screaming Eye Sockets

Homemade Tattoo Gun + Self-taught "Tattooer"

His own description:

so yeah
I tattooed the diamond like last week
and my friend wanted to tattoo "LOL"
on himself
and he was being a bitch
so I had to tattoo myself again
to show him how it worked and shit


The spider must be on the other cheek.

Inmate Tat

I can't make out much from this perspective, but "666" and "putas" gives me enough evidence to put this guy's tats here.

Nascar (?) driver


Simply bacon.

Girl Hiding Her Face With Whirl Possessing Hands

The title says it all, or am I missing something.

Baby Armpiece

Striking dissimilarity, another baby with the "don't fuck with me" expression

Friday, October 12, 2007


You may believe it or not but he claims that it's Rocky Balboa, looks more like Freddy Kruger to me.


What Would Jesus Do ? Certainly not this tattoo.

This End Up

In case someone feels an urge to transport him upside down.

Top 5 Bad Tattoos

At least according to "The Hour", my selection would look a little bit different.

Mad Tattitude

A short document about people who have stupid tattoos (including mad unicorn).  


Where do turkeys go after they are eaten ? 


Do not let anyone drunk, holding a tattoo gun, near you. 

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Italy ... Right ?

I don't know which is worse, the "thorn" idea or the fact that the peninsula is facing the wrong direction, probably the latter.

Stars And Stripes On Acid

Maybe it was made by a color blind tattooer ? I hope so.

Hills Have Eyes

Sometimes I am glad that more is hidden than shown


I wouldn't smile if I were him

Arabian Nights

I know it's not yet finished, but there's nothing that could repair it, not even the kitty at the bottom

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Contradictory Backpiece

Lots of naked over sexual angels (one of them seems to burn in hell), some pegasuses and the cliche praying hands. He must have confused Bible with Hustler

Currency Warlock

Either the tattooer messed up his face or the wizard is supposed to express "Don't fuck with my money" message

Welding Skull

A beautifully deformed skull of a deceased welder.


Some time ago I have found and posted this one :

And here's what I've stumbled upon quite recently

Noticed any similarities ?

Fuck Yeah Snow Man

Is this my imagination or did this snowman piss himself ?

Sesame Street Tats

Some far from being good Sesame Street Tats. Shouldn't Oscar be the grouchy one ? Why is he smiling, maybe with the "Mike" heart he  eventually came out of the closet so he can finally be happy.

More Mr. Ts

Is there any good Mr. T tattoo ? 

Sebastian Sun and Dylan Moon

Let alone the idea, those faces are creepy

Harley Davidson Head

Oh my. Harley's Logo, Stars and stripes, eagles ... how more American can this get. Just don't mind the lurking tiger at the bottom.

Hat tip to AleX  Bagé

Laughing Baby

This one freaks me out each and every time I look at it.

Tattoo found by JoLnapin, thanks for contribution !

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Moedern Christ

Barbed wire is always in fashion

Crucified Pumpkin Head

Halloween cliche which is truly obsolete throughout the rest of the year. 


What else could I add

Dr Pepper

Area 51 Alien

Wow, I hope these were aliens who did it to him

Family Portrait

There should be a licence to do portraits, mostly they turn out disgustingly horrible or just ugly, creepy and far from the picture on which they were based

The Incredible Hulk and Wolverine

Some old school comics fan's backpiece. This tattoo doesn't have a bright future lines will fade and overall image will collapse into a indistinguishable pulp

Here's the original :

Alcohol and Pizza

I thought those two were overgrown tacos but the "Pizza" beverage gave me a hint.