Saturday, July 18, 2009

From yesterday

Taylor Momsen

She loves tiny (microscopic) tattoos!

point your magnifying glass at her left wrist, there you'll see the four crosses.

Thanks to ravenskar for helping me spot this!

source: taylor momsen network

Friday, July 17, 2009

Liberty Belle

Old School flash-style from LA Ink's Corey Miller.

Pirates Life for Me!

The above is a superb reader submission, sent in by Jen and done by Tim Harris, Hope Gallery Tattoo in New Haven, CT.

Hoot Cross Bun

One of the best ever reader submissions next I think, from Joy, done by Dean Williams at Elm Street Tattoo in Dallas, TX.

Wherever I lay my hoot

Another reader submission (I'm catching up, I'm now at the one submitted at the start of July!?!) from Andrew this time.

Hoot The Breeze

This barn owl was sent in by Leslie, done by Brian Morris.

Hip Hip Hootay

Reader submission from 'Harsh', from Kazan in Russia, done by his friend 'Leprechaun'. We're certainly not in Kansas anymore...

The knife in the neck means that the owner of tattoo someone cutted.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fiesta San Fermín is over.People sing a song "Pobre de mí, Pobre de mí, que se han acabado las fiestas de San Fermín." (Poor me, poor me, the fiestas of San Fermín are now over).


Girls run too


Why so serious?

Rachi Brains with a sad-looking lady.


Sorry, I've been getting well behind with posts, I'll make a concerted effort to catch up with reader submissions asap. However, the oldest unposted submission is one of the best, sent in by Dan of his fiance Amorrina's day of the dead owl tattoo done Ace at Chill Mode in San Jose, Ca.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I wrote yesterday that was the last encierro of San Fermin.I was wrong, the last encierro was today.Video

Some photos(not this San Fermin)

So drink at the San Fermin



Quick Updates.

I'm back!

A few quick updates before i really get back into it.

1. Someone asked me a while ago whether or not Zoe Kravitz has a tattoo or not. Back then i said i didn't think so, but recently i think i've spotted one on her back!

2. I have spotted that Erin Wasson has a new tattoo(The one on her right arm)! Will try to find out what it says.

source: tfs via knight cat

3. Ashley Tisdale has gone under the needle. It's still fairly under wraps so watch this spacee. But from what we can see from this picture, it's looking a little like Hayden Panettiere's tattoo...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Seventh race,last

Well, that's was the last encierro of San Fermin but holiday has not yet expired.How it ends i will write tomorrow and will post video too if it will upload.
Here is BMW in which I lived the last day of last year at San Fermin.This is not my car, I do not know whose.I see an open BMW,climbed and began to live there.But my BMW was with two doors.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sixth encierro

At the encierro not all bulls are same, every encierro is different breed.Example today were bulls Miura.In honor them was named Model Lamborghini Miura, here it is

All of these bulls is not just bulls, this special spanish fighter breed.They have horns protrude forward.But for example in the United States at the rodeo there,bulls are big too but horns have other

Spanish bulls