Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Roll a d20 for awesome tattoos.

I finally did a new tattoo post, but this one is AWESOME and not AWFUL!
Roll a d20 for awesome tattoos
This entry is dedicated to my new d20 tattoo, inspired in part by the quote from the X-Files episode Jose Chung's From Outer Space, "I didn't spend all those years playing dungeons and dragons and not learn a little something about courage!"

You can digg it here if you are so inclined.

I know I've been neglecting posts but I promise I'll get better.


My Hoot Will Go On

Another ace reader submission, from kate majeski (www.katemajeski.blogspot.com)

Untamed Hoot

Erik Gillespie

Wild At Hoot

Another reader submission, this one from Danielle Nicole DeVizia.